Trying to find your niche? You can do this while still leaving enough room to attract new clients, and enough new clients to grow your business. Here’s how.

Think of your business as if you were a gardener. You don’t want to focus on all flowers. There is no speciality. But if you focus on tulips you create a specialty while still keeping your market big since tulips are very popular.

You want to create a market for clients that are looking for a specific service. You want to stand out in a specific area.

[Tweet “Balance is the key in attracting more clients.”]

Stand out in your field

You will attract more clients when you stand out in your niche area. You want to be the expert and the go to person for that field. Stand out as the one by offering free articles, blog posts even e-books online. Join conversations about your field on social media sites and be quick to answer questions regarding your area of expertise. You will also have to put in some face time and network at conferences, trade shows and other social events in your field.  As you engage in the social areas of your niche, your name and branding will stand out.

[Tweet “Focussing on a niche market does not mean your focus is small.”]

Be clear

Clients are much more likely to look for the specific area of service they need such as crafting newsletters, social media management, scheduling or research rather than look for a general virtual assistant. Make sure your niche is clear on your website and other internet profiles and pages. You want a potential client to know what you do straight away, they shouldn’t have to read and re-read to understand how you can help them.

Earn the respect that comes with being an expert

Not only will you attract more clients when you have a niche, but your clients will be better. Clients that seek out an expert are willing to pay for an expert. Most clients that expect generalised services are often expecting you to settle for cheap and cheerful. When you have a niche there are few surprises about what you and your clients are expecting. Your boundaries are clear, your are the SME, after all, that is why your clients have come to you in the first place.

Remember to achieve a balance when offering a niche. Become an expert in a specific area so that clients will be looking for you. Make sure your area of expertise is broad enough that plenty of potential clients will need the service you offer.

Top 5 Takeouts: Be treated like an expert

  1. Find balance between general and niche. You want to attract a specific type of client, but you also need to ensure there is ample client base.
  2. Make sure your niche is clear on all of your internet presence. You want clients to know exactly how you can help them.
  3. Make yourself known as the expert in your field. Social media is an excellent place to do this, but don’t forget to network in person as well. Show you are a real person not a bot.
  4. When you act like an expert, you are treated like an expert. It’s about perception.
  5. Don’t bargain yourself down to get the job, you instantly cheapen your services. Set your fees like an expert.

How has having a niche helped you attract clients? Have you ever tried to operate in a niche that was too narrow? How did you know? What did you do to find balance?